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The road to successful Agile transformation

Download our latest white paper for insight into what it takes to deliver a successful Agile transformation.

June 23, 2020

Points of light connecting city buildings to highlight successful Agile transformation

As the technology market continues to rapidly advance, many companies are looking for ways to operate quicker and more effectively while producing the best results. While Agile is not a new term in the tech market, it has grown in popularity in recent years with many companies now carrying out Agile transformation across their business.

TEKsystems’ Agile Practice Lead Karl Scotland discusses how people are the heart of digital products or service organisations and how full Agile adoption can truly help teams focus on what matters while working smarter on their Agile journey.

This white paper provides an understanding of the Agile transformation journey and crucially how businesses can adapt faster.

Starting with selecting a suitable engagement model, Karl goes on to discuss three critical factors: Coherence, Constraints and Curiosity, and how all three go hand-in-hand with engagement in the journey to delivering a successful Agile transformation.

Download the white paper